Messy Color™ Heffalump

511645 - Sold Out

Heffalump (511645)<br />An opaque lavender purple.

An opaque lavender purple.

"Silver on top of Heffalump reminds me of what happens with silver on top of Vetrofond Seashell Swirl. The silver turns greyish but with pink and blue blushes to it that are quite attractive if you reduce and encase it. If you don't reduce and encase it, it sits on top of the bead like a brownish crust, fuming the Heffalump yellow around itself." Read more at Melanie's blog. – Melanie Graham

Click here for other interesting Heffalump discoveries.

Heffalump with Reichenbach Mystic Pink and Mystic Purple
Jolene Wolfe
Messy Heffalump with DH Aurae
Darlene Collette
Messy Heffalump, Grape Ape, Eggplant, Plum, & Count von Count
Lori Bergmann
Messy Heffalump
Claire Morris
Messy Heffalump & Glacier, Lemon Meringue
Mindy Macgregor
Messy Heffalump with Glass Diversion's Sweet Pea frit blend
Gail Kops

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Testers report that Heffalump shifts in color depending on the type of lighting.
  • Heffalump is unique to the 104 lampworking palette.
"Heffalump is more saturated in color than Effetre Lavender, and does not really have any blue in it like Periwinkle.  It is a true lavender or light purple." – Bethany Lemasters
"I love the intensity of pigment in Heffalump compared to effetre Lavender. The color is more saturated with almost a more pink cast with some light streaking." – Genea Crivello
"Heffalump is pinker than other 104 opaque pinks." – Pat O'Brien
"Heffalump is a little bluer than CiM Rapunzel, but pinker than Effetre Lavender Pastel." Read more at Melanie's blog. – Melanie Graham
  • Testers report that Heffalump rods often look different from batch to batch, but once worked they are a consistent hue.
"Once worked in the flame there seems to be no difference between each side of my test beads. Happily this means that I could mix and match between either batch of Heffalump and achieve consistency in creating a set of beads, despite there being apparent differences between the batches in rod form." Read more on Craft Pimp. – Jolene Wolfe
"Heffalump - the latest shipment came in a little grayer in the rod - but works up pretty much identical to the old batch." Read more at DragonJools blog. – Dwyn Tomlinson
  • Special thanks to Elasia, Genea Crivello-Knable, Bethany Lemasters, & Melanie Graham for providing the photos in this section.

Darlene Collette encased Heffalump with Effetre Pale Blue.
Darlene Collette encased Heffalump with Effetre Light Purple.
Take a look at how Amy Houston made spacers with fine clear “sugar” frit on Heffalump.
Amy Houston made a series of purple spacers with Heffalump.
Laura Sparling made purple polka dot beads with Heffalump.
Check out Amy Houston's froggie focal made with Heffalump & Thai Orchid.
Amy Houston used Heffalump as a base for fuschia & silver lake frit.
Darlene Collette used Heffalump, Mermaid, Simply Berry & DH Aurae for a watercolor effect.
Genea Crivello-Knable did a color study of Heffalump with various other colors.  
Check out Kanna Glass Studio's blog on her "juicy little glass berries" made with Heffalump.   
Genea Crivello-Knable made test beads to compare Heffalump to Effetre opaque lavender blue.
See Kandice Seeber’s bead set made with Heffalump that reminds her of her mom.
Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Silver on top of Heffalump reminds me of what happens with silver on top of Vetrofond Seashell Swirl. The silver turns greyish but with pink and blue blushes to it that are quite attractive if you reduce and encase it. If you don't reduce and encase it, it sits on top of the bead like a brownish crust, fuming the Heffalump yellow around itself." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
Left to right:
Heffalump, Rapunzel, Crocus
Claudia Eidenbenz
Indoor lighting
Left to right:
Heffalump, Rapunzel, Crocus
Claudia Eidenbenz
Melanie uses Heffalump frit in her blend "Bozzy Boop." See more of her 104 compatible FrittyBits blends.
Melanie Graham
"I decided that the Heffalump and periwinkle were a bit too similar for my tastes. Heffalump colour-shifts from pale pink to lavender blue, and periwinkle is bluey-purple – on top of dark transparent turquoise they both look purplish. On the tubular bead, it has periwinkle on the end and Heffalump just past halfway down and they look almost the same." Read more at Heather's blog.
Heather Kelly
Heffalump with 99% fine silver wire. See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"I use Heffalump with Beadgoodies Mystic frit for Beads of Courage hearts and it is a lovely combination."
Diane Woodall
"Overall - a pretty colour, a soft, pale purple but those who make beads for sale online will curse it - as getting a good picture of it will be a challenge." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Raku and Lilac Red custom mixed frit speckles on a base of CiM's Heffalump, an opaque lavender purple." Read more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
“Messy Colors so lend themselves to making bell flowers. Love the translucency.”
Leslie Anne Bitgood
“Heffalump, CiM's lavender opaque glass, replaced my usual Effetre Pale Lavender. Heffalump is more vivid and has less of a tendency to fade than PL, and just glows under lights.” Read more at Kandice's color blog.
Kandice Seeber
"Heffalump matches Swarovski Matte Amethyst crystals."
Bethany Lemasters
"The nice thing about Heffalump is that it doesn't burn out like the Effetre 221 Pale Lavender tends to - it's a bit darker and more dense." Read more at Kandice's color blog.
Kandice Seeber