Messy Color™ Wheatgrass Ltd Run

511471 -

Wheatgrass Ltd Run (511471)<br />A bright misty opal green- the same hue as Poison Apple.

A bright misty opal green- the same hue as Poison Apple.

"Wheatgrass base with Effetre pea green and pastel ink blue stringer. Wheatgrass is the misty opal version of Poison Apple. It is more transparent than the other misty opals. It does not shock or bubble. It is a nice bright shade of emerald green." – Caroline Davis

Click here for other interesting Wheatgrass Ltd Run discoveries.

"The focal heart was heated and cooled several times, and there is a subtle change in the clarity."
Trudi Doherty
CiM Wheatgrass
Gloria Sevey
CiM Wheatgrass with Tahitian Pearl shards
Darlene Collette
CiM Wheatgrass
Melanie Graham
CiM Your Majesty & Wheatgrass with silver foil
Carol Ann Savage

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Wheatgrass is a misty opal that is the same hue as Poison Apple.
  • Special thanks to Trudi Doherty & Pati Walton for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"I was able to coax a bit of opalescence out of Wheatgrass but I would call it a transparent color. It only started to gain some opacity after I worked it a whole bunch and that drop is relatively thick."
Alexis Berger
"Silver Glass is also quite nice on top of Wheatgrass. I got pretty colours from my reduction frit, and a gorgeous red/purple starting strike from my TerraNova2 frit." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
"Poison Apple [right] has been re-formulated to stay translucent, and Wheatgrass [left] is the companion to match as opal version. Looks like Poison Apple definitely stayed translucent, but Wheatgrass came out pretty transparent for me. But the colour match is good." Read more at DragonJools' blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"Wheatgrass is a misty opal green with the same hue as Poison Apple. Poison Apple is a more translucent version. Wheatgrass is more transparent." From Marcy's article in Glass Bead Evolution Volume 7- Issue 2, 2019.
Marcy Lamberson
A comparison of CiM greens.
Laura Sparling
"Wheatgrass base with Effetre pea green and pastel ink blue stringer. Wheatgrass is the misty opal version of Poison Apple. It is more transparent than the other misty opals. It does not shock or bubble. It is a nice bright shade of emerald green."
Caroline Davis
"Poison Apple, Wheatgrass, Eclectus Parrot, Mantis, Ectoplasm, and Budgerigar all melted smoothly with no shockiness or bubbles. They bring some beautiful new colors to the 104 palette. I am loving the new translucents and misty opals. These are great and don’t bubble and boil like some of the alabasters and opalinos."
Paula Schertz
Lauscha 085 Seegrün, Effetre 024 Verde Erba Scuro, Wheatgrass, Ornela 5012 Chrysolith dunkel. See more of Claudia's work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
Lauscha 085 Seegrün, Effetre 024 Verde Erba Scuro, Wheatgrass, Ornela 5012 Chrysolith dunkel. See more of Claudia's work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Wheatgrass is a misty opal version of CiM Poison Apple. Wheatgrass is so very green and as I was cleaning these beads I was reminded of Lord Percy Percy when he creates 'a nugget of purest green' in Blackadder II. The glass is only a tiny bit misty and you can see this best in the heart bead, probably because it is larger and was worked for longer in the flame, along with some cooling and reheating. The spacers are pretty much transparent. Wheatgrass melted well, although the rod I had was a tad bubblesome but not so much that it is distractingly bubbly. No shocking and no scumming." Read more at Laura's tumblr.
Laura Sparling
"A rich grass green colour that is clean and crisp. Works beautifully with silver glass as well as with other colours. Centre Bead: Wheatgrass and Double Helix Helios. Spacers: Wheatgrass. Leaf: Wheatgrass blended with Anole."
Juliette Mullett
"Wheatgrass is a bright shamrock green opal. The glass is very similar to Poison Apple, but much more saturated in color. The glass nicely pressed and shaped into sculptural leaves. No shocking or bubbling occurred during testing."
Heather Sellers
"Exciting times as CiM has been developing old and new opal colours to help them stay translucent. And as a side project, misty opals to behave like the moonstone opals where you can create subtle differences by flame striking. Wheatgrass is a misty opal version of a re-worked Poison Apple. The rod at first glance looks transparent, but look closer and it doesn't quite have the clarity of regular transparents. This melted with no issues at all and is a dream to work with. I made some plain 12 mm spacers and these came out pretty similar to the rod [a little darker but they are thicker than the rod]."
Trudi Doherty