Messy Color™ Cerulean Ltd Run

511559 - Sold Out

Cerulean Ltd Run (511559)<br />A transparent blue aqua.

A transparent blue aqua.

"Cerulean is a bright aqua blue. The transparent glass was used to create a long smooth bi-cone and held shape/edges nicely during testing. The glass did slightly haze during melting, although the minute bubbles burn off quickly to leave a clean, clear color. This can be avoided by moving the glass rod out into the cooler part of the flame. No shocking occurred during testing." – Heather Sellers

Click here for other interesting Cerulean Ltd Run discoveries.

body is CiM Cerulean; wing is CiM Wisteria
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
CiM Cerulean with lustre glass decoration
Trudi Doherty
Here I encased the base bead of Cerulean with a thin layer of Effetre Super (Crystal) Clear 006 and then applied my Effetre White 204 stringer. The spacers are CiM Kryptonite.
Laura Sparling
CiM Cerulean
Melanie Graham
Cranberry Pink, Cerulean, Aiko, Cerulean Sparkle, Budgerigar, It Ain't Easy Being & Dark Velvet. The stand includes the same colors with a little Peppermint Cream too.
Marcy Lamberson
CiM Cerulean & Anole mixed
Gloria Sevey

CiM Tester Feedback

  • We melted Cerulean in response to frequent requests for various shades of teal & aqua.
Like CiM Cerulean Sparkle, Cerulean is a bright aqua blue that is a tiny bit darker than Effetre transparent Light Aqua 034 but not as dark as Effetre transparent Dark Aqua 036. Apart from the sparkle in the rod form of Cerulean Sparkle, I can’t see an awful lot of difference between the two Ceruleans. Read more at Laura's tumblr. – Laura Sparling
In the pic with the spacers, the spacer on the left is Zoe, which is slightly lighter than the two Cerulean spacers. – Kandice Seeber
“Cerulean is a medium aqua transparent, almost the same colour as Effetre Light Aqua. It's maybe a shade or two darker than Light Aqua and a little stiffer in its working viscosity.” Read more at Melanie’s blog. – Melanie Graham
  • Special thanks to Pati Walton & Kandice Seeber for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

 “On top of Cerulean, silver beads up and disperses the same way as it did on top of CiM Aiko, but unlike my results with that colour the silver here turned greyish and looked a little smeared. Cerulean doesn't discolour silver, as you can see in the middle bead where I sandwiched a layer of silver foil between a base and encasement layer of Cerulean. Finally, when I reduced and encased silver leaf on top of Cerulean I got a lovely silvery and blue-blushed coating underneath my Super Clear.” Read more at Melanie’s blog.
Melanie Graham
"Cerulean is a transparent blue aqua that seems to glow from within in both natural light and sunlight. The glass flows smoothly with no shockiness." Here shown with DH Aurae. See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Cerulean is a super pretty transparent aqua - just about an exact match for the colour of Windex. In this picture, the top mandrel [2 self-coloured spacers and colour over white] is the Cerulean Sparkle. And the bottom mandrel [over white and 2 self spacers], is the Cerulean. I found the Cerulean to be a little gassy, giving me some bubbles." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"This pair of little textured heart beads shows what Cerulean looks like under a layer of clear encasement." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"Before I made these beads I tested the white stringer applied directly to the Cerulean and it did exactly what I predicted it would: as soon as I melted the stringer in, it fizzed and pitted around the stringer edges. This is absolutely normal with the more saturated aqua and turquoise blues. Transparent aquas don’t really like being cooled and reheated and I’ve always found that they like to be kept at a consistent temperature or they can go scummy. You can blast the scum with heat and it will disperse but you’ll be left with telltale wisps in your work. Anyway, to avoid any kind of fizz-bubble-trouble here I encased the base bead of Cerulean with a thin layer of Effetre Super [Crystal] Clear 006 and then applied my Effetre White 204 stringer. Cerulean was not at all shocky and it melted and behaved like pretty much all other transparent aquas I have used before." Read more at Laura's tumblr.
Laura Sparling
Ornela 6003 Aquamarin, CiM Zoe, Cerulean, Reichenbach 3018 Mittelblau, Effetre 034 Aquarmarin Chiara. See more of Claudia's work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
Ornela 6003 Aquamarin, CiM Zoe, Cerulean, Reichenbach 3018 Mittelblau, Effetre 034 Aquarmarin Chiara. See more of Claudia's work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Cerulean is a bright aqua blue. The transparent glass was used to create a long smooth bi-cone and held shape/edges nicely during testing. The glass did slightly haze during melting, although the minute bubbles burn off quickly to leave a clean, clear color. This can be avoided by moving the glass rod out into the cooler part of the flame. No shocking occurred during testing."
Heather Sellers
"This colour is beautiful. A cross between turquoise blue and oriental blue, very pretty. Looks very captivating solo but really comes into its own with silver glass, giving a very decadent and regal look, one of the nicest blues I have worked with. Fuss free, no pitting or scumming. Seen here with Double Helix Helios outer decoration and with Double Helix Melia encased beads."
Juliette Mullett
"Looking at Cerulean, it falls in between Effetre light & dark turquoise but much closer to the light, and very close to Zoe. The richness shows better once melted into a bead, and it pairs prefectly with silver lustre glass! Unlike some turquoise glass, this melted with no issues at all, no hazing or scumming! A beautiful rich shade, and one for those who struggle with other turquoise glass."
Trudi Doherty