Messy Color™ Pachamama Ltd Run

511325 - Sold Out

Pachamama Ltd Run (511325)<br />A silver-rich yellow opaque (Ra) with stripes of an opaque blue (Cornflower) running through it.

A silver-rich yellow opaque (Ra) with stripes of an opaque blue (Cornflower) running through it.

"Pachamama is perfect to pair with Double Helix silver murrini and OX459 emerald green luster. I used Double Helix Zephyr to encase and capture the mother of pearl lusters and pastel colors. Spacers are simply Pachamama." Read more at Darlene's blog. – Darlene Collette

Click here for other interesting Pachamama Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Pachamama
Pauline Chevalier
Pachamama combined with Effetre baby blue, a bit of silver foil on the blue, fine raku powder aged with baking soda.
Josephine Wadman
CiM Pachamama with Effetre dark turquoise glass and silvered ivory stringer
Jolene Wolfe
CiM Pachamama
Pauline Chevalier
These beads have been created with Pachamama and.......nothing else. The effect is gorgeous, like very fine wood grain patterns.
Jolene Wolfe
CiM Pachamama
Laura Sparling

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Pachamama is a hand pull of 324 Ra rolled in 571 Cornflower rods that creates a streaky effect when worked.
"I absolutely loved Pachamama. The color combination is beautiful, the convenience of having two awesome colors in one rod is worth the extra expense [I’d either spend more time applying the color or more money on the glass. I’ll take the convenience.] I like the way the Cornflower and Ra were so distinct and marbled." – Laurie Nessel
"Grand Canyon is definitely the darkest. It's warm and rich and earthy. Starry Night is the lightest, palest and most blue. It's soft and more subtle. Pachamama sits somewhere in the middle. It's the most green/yellow in hue." – Heather Johnson
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz & Heather Johnson for providing the photos in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"Clear core, Pachamama case swirled with tungsten pick- beautiful! Some nice reticulation/decomposition. Ran out of Ra so used Stone Ground in patches- seemless blend."
Laurie Nessel
"Anytime I see the description 'laden with silver,' I immediately want to try it with silver glass. The results did not disappoint. Pachamama is a lovely yellow with soft blue streaks. I did manage to burn it a little as you can see on the small square bead. It is wonderfully reactive with silver glass- it darkens to a dark gold color and the blue looks more grey/brown. The top bead is a base of Pachamama and Double Helix Terra 3."
Caroline Davis
"Pachamama is Ra with streaks of Cornflower blue running through the rod and this has some really fun potential. You can lay the glass on straight for stripes of colour or mix it about for waves or swirls. I liked putting dots of Pachamama down and giving a slight twist as I pulled the rod away, it reminded me of sea shells. As the base colour is Ra which has some silver in, you can get some lovely reactions with glasses like Dark Ivory and create a very organic look. There's huge potential with this one!"
Heather Johnson
Pachamama is Ra rolled in Cornflower rods. See more of Claudia’s color comparisons.
Claudia Eidenbenz
Pachamama used as a murrini. See more of Claudia’s work.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Pachamama is perfect to pair with Double Helix silver murrini and OX459 emerald green luster. I used Double Helix Zephyr to encase and capture the mother of pearl lusters and pastel colors. Spacers are simply Pachamama." Read more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Pachamama is fun and unique and definitely a representative of Mother Earth."
Gloria Sevey
"The heart is all 325 Pachamama, a combination of 324 Ra with internal striping of 571 Cornflower. I blew shards and put them on the drop bead. Also, the top band is Pachamama. While this one is not exactly my cup of tea, I am sure it will be a favorite because of its uniqueness."
Lori Peterson
"Wow, CiM have really treated us with this glass! On first glance it looks like creamy yellow glass, but take a look at the side on view and you can see a circle of blue dots that run inside. When you wind this around your mandrel you get a beautiful swirl effect! I can envisage that this will make fabulous rustic style beads, and it pairs well with other glass. I have tested it with copper green and etched it and it looks lush! I can't wait to try it out with other glass to see more possibilities! Don't you just love it when a glass supplier is as excited about playing and experimenting as you are!"
Trudi Doherty
"CiM 325 Pachamama. Mind blown. Which, it wouldn't have been, if I had actually looked at the end of the rod before I started. Notice all those tiny dots? This is a rod with streaks of dark blue all the way through. On the way to a bit of glass. It doesn't show as well in the wavy bit, but in the leaves where I just bundled the glass up and then squashed it, it's amazing." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"A lovely surprising result. In rod form, it looks like Effetre Opal Yellow 266, but on the end of the rod of Pachamama are a ring of tiny dark dots. When melted and applied you get a beautiful mix of custard yellow and pale sky blue. When encased the colours change to a more pastel hue with a slight pink tinge which beautifies the colour. Quite different and quite pretty."
Juliette Mullett
"Pachamama. I don't even know how to describe it. It is a greenish ivory and shifts with how much you heat it. It has blue streaks in it but they do fade quite a bit. Would like it if the blues were a bit stronger."
Suzy Hannabuss
"Pachamama is another new CiM colour called Ra, a silver-rich yellow, with stripes of CiM Cornflower running through it. The photo shows Pachamama in its molten state. I’m not a huge user of silver-rich glasses – don’t get me wrong, I do like them – as their unpredictability doesn’t always work with my control freakish everything-in-its-place ways, so I just made a plain discus bead with Pachamama and you can see all of its colour potential in this one bead; there’s warm earthy ochre, pale yellow, green and a touch of blue. Pachamama was fuss-free and melted with no issues." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling
"The core of this large shell focal bead is a scrap of Effetre white which was completely encased with the last of the Pachamama rod. This is a great way to make your special colours go a lot further. The close swirls of pattern at the base of the shell bead were made by winding Pachamama around the mandrel. The wide stripes were created by laying a piece of full width rod across my base bead and melting it down flat before shaping." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"The Pachamama rod looks like a pale yellow/beige but if you look end on in has thin dark stripes running down it. The beads look far more interesting than the rod. It's a bit like the effect you get with Effetre lapis/ivory rods but more subtle and instead of ivory the base colour is a soft green. I found that the glass takes etching well and you can get that soft, matte aged look by rolling in baking soda and reheating. It doesn't seem to react to silver or to the raku frit I used on one bead. I did find I got some deeper yellowish tones around the holes of some of the beads so I'm going to try and make a bigger focal bead with the remainder of the rod to see if I get more variation in colour."
Josephine Wadman