Messy Color™ Burnt Sugar Ltd Run

511733 -

Burnt Sugar Ltd Run (511733)<br />A warm transparent brown with a peachy blush.

A warm transparent brown with a peachy blush.

"Burnt Sugar is a soft brown transparent that looks like coffee with cream over white. It works well over white with black stringer." – Suzanne Cancilla-Fox

Click here for other interesting Burnt Sugar Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Burnt Sugar
Laurie Nessel
CiM Burnt Sugar
Melanie Graham
CiM Burnt Sugar & Lingonberry
Regis Teixera
CiM Burnt Sugar
Laura Sparling
CiM Burnt Sugar
Joy Munshower
CiM Burnt Sugar
Darlene Collette

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Burnt Sugar is a unique addition to the 104 palette. Tester results varied, but most experienced a brown with a “peachy blush."

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

“Pretty transparent red/brown shade. Crystal clear and melting so smooth. Cooler shade goes well with blues and greens. Beads left to right: Maple, Horehound, Effetre light Topaz, Brown Eyed Girl, Burnt Sugar, and Indian Summer.”
Jean Daniels
“An appropriate name as this is a pretty sweet brown color with red and purple highlights. There was a lot of scumming on the surface of the rod so I recommend your level one cleaning regime before use. The scum was able to be burned off or plucked off so the end result is perfect.”
Laurie Nessel
Check out Maria's YouTube demo making a hollow bead with Burnt Sugar.
Maria Schoenenberger
"What a beautiful combination these three colours make, I used #cimburntsugar as the core, #cimhorehound on the surface and #cimlingonberry on the edges. Love everything about these."
Regis Teixera
"Burnt Sugar melted great and I like it!"
Jenefer Ham
“Burnt Sugar is a warm caramel brown, it’s shown here as spacers, over white, over silver foil and over DH Clio.”
Janet Evans
"Let’s talk about Burnt Sugar!! My word, this is a scrumptious glass . . . a beautiful light to medium transparent brown with a slight peachy blush. In this set I have encased some of the beads with a light layer of clear and some with a heavier layer. I found the 'blush' shows better with the thinner layer. Here I’ve paired it with an out of production glass from CiM called Antique Lace along with a pale pink. Super yummy! This glass was a dream to melt and very well behaved! A keeper in my honest opinion. So beautiful!"
Angela Dose
"Burnt Sugar is a brown transparent glass that is a pale brown in thin layers. Like all transparents, the more of it is bulked together, the darker it is. . . . On top of Burnt Sugar, silver foil looks amazing. I love the way it crusts up on the surface, and when the silver is reduced and encased, it forms a blue-ish haze around it and looks quite magical." Read more at Melanie's blog.
Melanie Graham
"Peachy, warm undertones. A great addition to the transparent, neutral CiM palette. I made a simple spacer bead. I also made a second bead with a base of Effetre Super Clear. The left side was then encased in Effetre white to represent the opaque, the middle in CiM Marshmallow to represent the translucent, and finally the right remained clear to represent the transparent. Burnt Sugar was then wound onto this bead. This gives the opportunity to see encasement in a variety of common beadmaking situations."
Kim Fields
"Burnt Sugar is a soft brown transparent that looks like coffee with cream over white. It works well over white with black stringer."
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
"Burnt Sugar is a lovely warm transparent brown. It's not quite as dark as Brown Eyed Girl but quite similar in colour. Maybe a bit more peachy. As with all my neutral/earthy colours I paired it with silvered ivory stringer and it does look lovely. No fuming, boiling or scumming to be seen. I did wonder if this colour might strike or reduce a little based on the early photos from CiM but I tried it there wasn't really much change to speak of. Perhaps a slightly darker sheen when reduced but it was hardly noticeable."
Heather Johnson
"Burnt Sugar is a rich transparent brown with caramel tones. I experimented with Burnt Sugar by pairing it with Val Cox frit named Drama Cream. These round beads have a simple sprinkling of the glass frit gently melted into the surface." See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"Burnt Sugar is a peachy brown that is very unique to the soft glass palette. It’s a wonderful color and a dream to work with. No shocking, no bubbling and sculpted like a dream."
Lori Peterson
"Wow, Burnt Sugar is different. It is a light brown but with a reddish tint to it. Beautiful!"
Suzy Hannabuss
"Burnt Sugar is a golden shade of transparent brown with a slight orange tone to it which makes me think of Topaz. All 3 of these transparent colours were wonderfully well behaved in the flame, no boiling or micro bubbles at all." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
"Burnt Sugar is a true transparent brown in my opinion. Not shocky and no issues with bubbling or scumming. Played nicely with dichroic and silver glass on surface."
Terri Herron
"Burnt Sugar is a transparent brown that has a beautiful warmth to it due to its subtle coppery and almost rosy tones. It has a great working consistency – not too stiff and not too gloopy – and it melts smoothly without any scumming or hazing. Not at all shocky either. The spacers are plain Burnt Sugar and they are slightly paler than the main beads. I reckon that this is because the longer you work the glass, and the more you cool and reheat it, the warmer and more saturated the end result will be. Burnt Sugar is a glorious colour and a really well-behaved glass. I love it." Read more at Laura's blog.
Laura Sparling
"Two transparent browns, yet very different. Burnt Sugar [left] is a peachy, warm brown. Brown Eyed Girl [right] is a yellowish, cool brown. Both are super interesting, nice colours. I think I prefer Burnt Sugar, because I find the warmth of it more welcoming." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson
"A beautiful pale brown transparent that to me has a slight peach tone to it, reminiscent of caramalised brown sugar with some golden peach tones thrown in the mix. It creates a wonderful base for silver glass as well as being a delicately beautiful peachy dark golden tone on spacer beads on their own. They glisten and shine as the light hits the beads and bounces off giving a twinkle at every turn. I found this colour stiffer to work than most colours, not as stiff to melt as Effetre Black 064 but stiffer than Effetre Clear or any of the CiM opals. This didn’t affect its end result. I found working it a few times on the heat and cool process brought out a slightly richer hue. No bubbling at all and no shockiness when the cold rod entered the flame [I didn’t preheat this colour]; works exceptionally well with silver glass as well as on its own."
Juliette Mullett
"Burnt Sugar, a light brown, but totally different as it has soft red tones & reminds me of caramel! Burnt Sugar felt slightly stiff [not much] and melted with no issues."
Trudi Doherty