Messy Color™ Marmalade Ltd Run

511227 -

Marmalade Ltd Run (511227)<br />A transparent toasty reddish orange.

A transparent toasty reddish orange.

"Marmalade appears a little more reddish orange to me than a true orange. Played nicely with dichroic and silver glass on the same bead! I did not try to strike it since I was already putting the bead under stress with dichroic and the silver glass reduction." – Terri Herron

Click here for other interesting Marmalade Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Marmalade
Joy Munshower
CiM Marmalade
Hillary Lawson
CiM Marmalade
Chris Haussler
CiM Marmalade
Joy Munshower
CiM Marmalade
Dwyn Tomlinson
CiM Marmalade
Laura Sparling

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Please note that some of our Marmalade was mistakenly tagged 227 Kniphofia [instead of 227 Marmalade]. It is the number on the tag that is correct. Anything with the number label 227 *is* Marmalade no matter the name on the tag.
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz for the photo in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

Hillary Lawson created this gorgeous tutorial featuring CiM Marmalade. Visit Glass Alchemist for the video portion of the tutorial [and other tutorials as well].
Hillary Lawson
“A transparent orange similar to CiM Clockwork but with opalescent orange streaks.”
Laurie Nessel
"Love Marmalade. I like how it looks like it has two tones in the glass. Looks great over white and on its own."
Suzanne Cancilla-Fox
"Marmalade is a lovely colour but less intense than Kniphofia. Shown here encased with DH Clio, over white, and as plain spacers."
Janet Evans
"Marmalade is so beautiful. It is a striking glass that does need a bit of coaxing to bring out the deep orange, but worth the patience. One of the tests on this glass was to see if Marmalade could replicate what Clockwork did with silver glass to create that hot pink look and it did not disappoint. Recommend pre heating the rod prior to heating as can be a bit shocky in cold weather."
Juliette Mullett
"Kniphofia, Marmalade and Orange-zilla are all reactive to silver glass [which is typical for orange glass] and the silver glass if melted flat will turn a bluish grey without a clear layer between the orange glass and silver glass. All three will also do the pink thing with certain Double Helix glass if there is a layer of clear between the orange glass and silver glass."
Terri Herron
"Marmalade was tested with Double Helix's Clio silver glass, I experimented to see the reactions between the two glasses based on layering it with CiM's new clear glass. The round bead with Clio scrolls was created with a clear glass core, layer of Marmalade, scrolled with Clio. The bead was then reduced and encased with clear glass. The focal bead was created in the similar layering process but an added layer of CiM clear glass was placed as a barrier between Marmalade and the addition of Clio. The layering process demonstrates the option of getting a batik look of the stringer scrolls vs. the soft hues of the pinks, blues and creams. The spacers are pure Marmalade showing the lovely rich orange hues of the glass." Read more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"These imprinted hearts were made with Marmalade encased with Effetre 006 clear. Marmalade is equally as bright as Kniphofia and Orange-zilla but it is a true transparent. It did require a little striking to coax the colour out but it wasn't tricky to work with." Read more at Kitzbitz Art Glass' blog.
Jolene Wolfe
Left to right: Marmalade and Kniphofia. See more of Claudia's color comparisons.
Claudia Eidenbenz
"Marmalade is a transparent rich deep orange. It's pretty much the same hue as Kniphofia. It has a lovely working consistency and it’s not at all shocky or bubbly. It does require striking but it’s an easy one to strike. Like the Kniphofia, I just used it as I would any other transparent and by the time I was done making a bead the colour was even and rich all over. Do note that I work quite slowly, though, and I swear that’s the key to a good strike. Cooler, slower working conditions where you repeatedly remove the bead from the flame and then reintroduce it [which is what naturally occurs when you make an encased bead with surface decoration] allow the colour of a striking glass to develop without much effort. Marmalade is a glorious orange and I like it a lot!" Read more at Laura Sparling's blog.
Laura Sparling
"Marmalade is another glass that is very easy to strike and not shocky. Marmalade is a bit darker than Kniphofia and the old Clockwork. It is more of an amber red orange."
Suzy Hannabuss
"Marmalade appears a little more reddish orange to me than a true orange. Played nicely with dichroic and silver glass on the same bead! I did not try to strike it since I was already putting the bead under stress with dichroic and the silver glass reduction."
Terri Herron
"Kniphofia and Marmalade both worked up as transparent oranges for me. Harder for me to strike than Clockwork but definitely more transparent. The kitties struck no problem but the results were varied for the small spacer beads."
Lori Peterson
"Most transparent oranges [even opal ones] quickly take on a more dense opaque look, rather than than keeping transparent/translucent properties. But check these beauties out! The hearts while admittedly small beads did have several heating and cooling cycles while I made them ... but look they are very much translucent. I have to say, I have been after an orange that I can make bubble beads with. As oranges need a lot of striking, getting that to work consistently with bubble beads isn't easy ... too much heat and the bubbles rise to the surface and burst, and you have to seal the hole and start again. But check these bad boys out: an even strike and a clear view of the bubbles!!"
Trudi Doherty
"Marmalade [left] and Kniphofia [right]. Both are absolutely brilliant, delicious, transparent oranges. I did find that the Marmalade took a little more effort to strike, and you might argue that it is a little toasty in colour. Overall though I think any colour difference between them, at least the way I use them, is very very subtle. Both are a delicious splash of transparent orangey goodness." Read more at DragonJools blog.
Dwyn Tomlinson