Messy Color™ Menthe Ltd Run

5114004 - Sold Out

Menthe Ltd Run (5114004)<br />A bluish green moonstone.

A bluish green moonstone.

"Remember when I told you that Menthe is similar to Peacock Green? Peacock Green got milky after two strikes and I decided to check if Menthe would do the same. As you can see in the photo - very, very slightly. On the left is just a bead, heated the glass and put it in the kiln. On the right is a bead with three strikes - heated three times and cooled three times. The bead was a little cloudy, very imperceptible. Peacock Green becomes MUCH milkier with the same treatment." – Olga Ivashina

Click here for other interesting Menthe Ltd Run discoveries.

CiM Menthe
Caroline Davis
CiM Menthe, Birchwood, & Gypsy with DH Ekho & Zephyr
Darlene Collette

CiM Tester Feedback

  • Menthe is a more blu-ish version of Peacock Green.
  • Special thanks to Claudia Eidenbenz for the photo in this section.

Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.

"An aquamarine with more green to it. There is an opalescent shimmer on this beautiful color. I did get a bit of a devitrifying effect when working done areas and heating more but disappeared and that is where I got the more opal effect. Stunning colour with silver."
Jean Daniels
"Remember when I told you that Menthe is similar to Peacock Green? Peacock Green got milky after two strikes and I decided to check if Menthe would do the same. As you can see in the photo - very, very slightly. On the left is just a bead, heated the glass and put it in the kiln. On the right is a bead with three strikes - heated three times and cooled three times. The bead was a little cloudy, very imperceptible. Peacock Green becomes MUCH milkier with the same treatment."
Olga Ivashina
"What a great color, definitely not much like this, if any, in the soft glass palette. Beautiful blue green, slightly translucent. Yummy."
Dwyn Tomlinson
“A pale emerald green, this transparent glass reminds me, rather unromantically, of mouthwash and perhaps this is where the name originates. It is a nice colour and, if you love green, Menthe will definitely appeal. As with most greens, I found Menthe to be a little on the stiffer side which is an asset when creating more sculptural forms. No shockiness issues here. Menthe is shown here in rod form, as a sculpted flower, a hollow heart and a spacer bead.”
Janet Evans
"I am reviewing Atoll Misty, Atoll Milky, and Menthe together. I love all three of these colors. For me, they are all similar to Peacock Green. They melt beautifully - no scumming or burning. Menthe is stunning. It’s slightly more intense than Peacock Green, beautifully translucent, almost glowing. Atoll Misty/Milky is very similar to Peacock Green. Both are such lovely colors."
Caroline Davis
"Menthe is officially described as a 'moonstone' colour which I think fits nicely. I found it generally quite transparent but it will start to opacify when worked longer. Interestingly, the droplets which were kiln fused went very milky, but not completely opaque. I’m not sure if the same effect could be achieved when working directly in the flame. Colour wise, I compared Menthe to my sample beads of all my other colours and I really don’t have anything in my collection that Menthe is really close to. It fits on the green side of the gap between green and blue. There are already some lovely minty green glasses out there but Menthe isn’t quite like any of the ones I have."
Heather Johnson
"Wow, the inner glow and opal translucency in this opal sea green is just like heaven, melts like a dream and works so well with other colours, love this colour."
Juliette Mullett
"Menthe [shown here in middle] is hands down my new favorite color. It's a gorgeous semi opaque transparent teal with an almost intangible green shine. Nuanced in color and a pleasure to work. Hard to describe and almost impossible to photo, this color must be seen in real life!"
Bling Squared Cute Glass
“Menthe is a bluish green moonstone. I have always loved CiM’s Peacock Green and I am equally in love with this bluish version. I had previously tested CiM’s Birchwood for its friendliness to other silver glasses, so it was fitting to create my Goddess beads to test how Menthe would behave with layered portals. Starting on a base of this glass, I layered dots of Birchwood, CiM’s extremely dark purple called Gypsy and rare Double Helix Echo silver glass. Clear portal dots of Double Helix Zephyr were added to capture the stormed reaction of the silver glass producing streams of purples, ambers and pinks. Menthe stayed true to its original tone and melted beautifully and stayed stiff enough to maintain the layering without drifting or shifting. Dots of Birchwood complete each bead giving a more rustic feel than when I use reduced silver glass dots.” See more at Darlene's blog.
Darlene Collette
"This transparent green is like no other colour I have. It starts off a lovely creme de menthe transparent colour but gets a more bluey milky tinge the more you work it. This was very apparent on the heart bead. It looked like a milky cloud was descending on my bead. The little cone beads next to the heart show this too as one retained its transparency whilst the other did not. I found this glass to be a bit stiff to work but not shocky. In melting in the silver wire [no reaction with the glass] I thought I’d lose the Menthe dots I had already applied to the top but they didn’t melt in with the residual heat."
Bianca Gruber
“I made a sculptural bird bead with Menthe. I began with a clear ‘core’ body and then encased in Menthe. This gives an opportunity to see encasement with the color. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes were also Reichenbach Deep Black. While constructing the wings and tail, I noticed the head was cracking. I healed the cracks, but it cracked again. I realized it might be a problem with the Reichenbach Deep Black used in the beak and eyes. So I removed them and replaced them using Effetre black. This solved the ‘cracking head’ problem, but overall I found Menthe very stiff and difficult to work with for sculpting. ”
Kim Fields
"Menthe reminds me of the older, long gone melts of Peacock Green. Menthe has just a hint more blue to it and is wonderful!! Absolutely scrumptious color!!! The rods weren't shocky, it didn't boil, it didn't crack or react badly with silvered ivory . . . awesome sauce!! It's a gorgeous color and glass!"
Joy Munshower
"A stunning green, while it's not opal neither is it completely transparent either. CiM describe it as a moonstone color . . . boy we don't see many of those these days and I just adore them. Menthe melted with no issues at all, but I did discover that it's resistant to etching! Pass me a Creme de Menthe, I'm suddenly in the mood for one."
Trudi Doherty
Left to right: Menthe, Absinthe.
Claudia Eidenbenz