Messy Color™ Bear Hug Milky Ltd Run
511741 -
A brown milky opal.
"Left bottom Bear Hug Milky encased in SuperClear and rolled in frit. Right is Bear Hug Milky layered on white and encased. I totally love this brown!" – Sandra Beingessner
Click here for other interesting Bear Hug Milky Ltd Run discoveries.
CiM Tester Feedback
Bear Hug Misty/Milky is our old color 788 Mink turned into a misty/milky opal.
Join Trudi Doherty's FB group Lampwork Colour Resource Sharing Information for a catalogue of color study.
Claudia Eidenbenz’s "Vetrothek" (glass library) is a great resource for color comparisons.
See Kay Powell’s frit testing samples.
Browse Serena Thomas’ color gallery.
Check out Miriam Steger’s CiM color charts.
Consult Jolene Wolfe's glass testing resource page.
"Bear Hug Milky is a deep brown color that intensifies with depth. Easy to work with; not shocky; no bubbling or scum. Did not react with ivory."
– Beth Swain
| "Left bottom Bear Hug Milky encased in SuperClear and rolled in frit. Right is Bear Hug Milky layered on white and encased. I totally love this brown!"
Sandra Beingessner
"I made a sculptural bird bead with Bear Hug Milky. I began with a clear 'core' body and encased in Bear Hug Milky. This gives an opportunity to see encasement. The head, wings and tail were added straight from the rod. I used Reichenbach Deep Black for the base of the beak followed by Effetre Pastel Yellow. The eyes are also Reichenbach Deep Black."
– Kim Fields
| Left to right: Bear Hug Misty, Bear Hug Milky, Reichenbach 8007 Rauchtopas.
Claudia Eidenbenz
Left to right: Bear Hug Misty, Bear Hug Milky, Reichenbach 8007 Rauchtopas.
– Claudia Eidenbenz